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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tech Idol : Registration

WWW.TECH-IDOL.COM SOURCE http://www.gild.com/blog/tech-idol/

[http://hostindiaevents.com/edm/techidol2/images/gild_logo.jpg] [http://hostindiaevents.com/edm/techidol2/images/tech_logo.jpg] [http://hostindiaevents.com/edm/techidol2/images/oracle.jpg]


Major prize: Trip to Silicon Valley, interaction with some of the world's greatest developers &entrepreneurs.

Campus prizes: The best students from each college will win a prize, including iPods, HDDs, t-shirts & participation certificates for all.

Gild membership: Gild members create, share and compare their skills profiles, raising awareness of how good they are in their chosen field. More than 70% of members
say Gild membership has improved their skills.

General: The TechIdol challenges are relevant to course material and provide a platform for students to practice and develop their skills.

Are you India's Tech Idol?

If you are India's best developer, you could win an all expenses paid VIP week in Silicon Valley USA.

Gild and Oracle are looking for India's greatest developer. If that's you, you will be flown to Silicon Valley, home of Oracle, Google, Facebook and Twitter, for an all-expense paid VIP week of tutorials and tours. There are also many other great prizes, including iPods, iPads, HDDs and gaming consoles.

Gild is the fastest growing skills-based network for technology professionals, with nearly 500,000 members worldwide. Gild is where the top developers build, share and compare their skills profiles to win great prizes and create amazing professional opportunities.

Tech Idol is the biggest competition to date and we're giving Indian students the chance to win Prizes and to become India's Tech Idol. So, register online, participate, win prizes, become India's Tech Idol and go places…


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