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Saturday, August 6, 2011

App2us.com - A good website for app and visa related information

Dear all

I was just browsing through the internet and found this website. They seem to have very active forums and other important information with respect to apping and general life as a student in the US.

Please click this link to be directed to the website - app2us.com.

Here are the important features of the website:
forums - ask any question, they claim that more than 90% get replied within 10 days.
blog - blogs on very relevant and commonly asked topics.
interview series - the greatest people in their fields discuss their work and US education. Some of them are really motivating.

This website was started by a group of students who pursued their higher education in the US.

I hope this site will be helpful to all of us in our apps.
Please post any other resources related to apping that you may find to the group.

All the best for your apps!

Best regards

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